Friday 7 April 2023


The brain falters, and the breath shortens. The heart rushes its march and pupils dilate. I just cant be quiet, as my hands reach for my sweating forehead. I feel my body contract and expand with every breath i take. My mind races through all of those innuendos and reveries. It is almost inhumane the way i feel right now. My eyes follow every second of your moves and i cant brush off the urge to reach out to you.

I refuse to utter any words as im afraid to break the spell im under and i slowly surrender to my natural impulses. My mouth becomes dry and i clear my throat as if i was looking for water because i feel as parched as the barren desert. The music intoxicates me and cradles my utmost desires to get up form my chair and take you. 

And surely like any other inebriating and feverish dream, i wake up and realize that through all of those obsessive processes, in none of them i found the comfort of your embrace. 

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