Tuesday 20 June 2023


we have come so far to be understood, we created new ways of connecting ourselves to all, to an infinite and boundless flow of information. from rudimentary grunts, wild gestures and childish symbols, we needed mediums to pass on our unwritten biology to our offspring. we released our inner worlds and fears into tales and pictures, into the sole purpose of being understood and maybe more important, to be heard or seen. 

the gift of communication lies within our desire to express ourselves. the magnificence of thought is laid in audible interjections. complicated equations are brought to simplicity by the sheer power of voice or characters. the same ones that took us from rejoice to pain, from sacred and intimate emotions to raw battle cries. 

we have found ways of recreation within this primal urge of understanding and the discourse is what seems to define us through non physical connections, making music as close as one of the most stunning ways to communicate. 

one of man's greatest achievements is the ability to make others imagine what he feels and is with great pain that the sound we hear the most is hate. our ancestors certainly are turning in their graves seeing how we vilify what was one of man's greatest achievements.


 Sometimes there's choices in our path that require sacrifice, sheer willpower and resolve. I have learnt that lesson through you and th...